
Thursday 27 July 2017

This week in reading we read Henderson island. Did you know it has 38 million pieces of waste, when it is 5000 kilometres away from the nearest human. Some of the rubbish comes from New Zealand and that's embarrassing. 68% is under the sand 10 center meters deep. Here is the sheet we did. This is my'n. LPG 12 ( I can write ideas that are clearly understood and relevant to the topic.)
In maths this week we did a basic facts test. I got 99 in 4:31mins. Here is my work. LPG 8. ( addition and subtraction facts to 20.)
This week in writing we got given a picture, we went in groups and wrote ideas what it looked like then we wrote about the picture. Here is my work. LPG 20. (I can write some complexe sentences.)