
Monday, 27 November 2017

Today in maths I did some basic facts learning activities. I did this with my friend. LPG 8, addition and subtraction facts to 20. Here is a picture.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

This week in maths we did a hole school math test. I figured out that I dislike tests. It took  a while to do.
This week in reading we did reading stamina, we hit our best score today at 23 minutes. LPG 8 I can automatically read all high frequency words. Here is the class graph.

This morning we started learning about oceans.
I found out that, if you get sucked into a whirl pool your most likely to get trapped and drown.
Later on, I want to find out how whirl pools are formed.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

This week in reading we did this thing where we read a book and when we finish we do an activity. Here a video. LPG 8 I can automatically read high frequency words.
This week in maths I was practicing equivalent ratios. LPG 13 equivalent ratios. Here is my learning
This week in writing we have been making spinning weeks on what might of happened to Mr Bs hurt finger.LPG 22 I can use dialogue in my writing appropriately. Here is my work.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

This week in reading we read about animals, after that we did a ideas map. So we could writedown the diet, predators, habitat, fun facts, behaviour and general description. LPG 5 ( I can evaluate and integrate ideas and information across few texts). Here is my work.
This week in writing we prepared for our writing blast. We did a plan splitting our paragraphs. I did pandas. Did you know they are a symbol of peace in China. Sometimes the pandas eat each other. LPG 8 ( I can independently use a plan to show headings and distinctions main ideas from supporting ideas). Here is my work.
This week in maths we did a basic facts test. I got 96/100 in 5:07. Bridget marked my work. LPG  9   ( multipication and division facts ). Here is my work.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

This week in maths we were practicing our LPG goals. My LPG was 3 multiplication facts and division facts. Here is my work.
This week in writing we wrote about our favourite memories at hurupaki school, starting with a small plan. LPG 3 I can independently write about a personal experience or a character and include thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly. Here is my work.
This week in reading we read the chewed furniture caper. There were questions about the book we had to awnser. LPG I can use several pieces of information to make inferences on the text. Here is my work.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Thi this week in writing we did fact or fib. LPG 1 I can demonstrate that I know my audience and why I'm writing. Here is my work.
This week we did calendar art. LPG 24 I can publish using a variety of media, including digital and visual media, depending on the audience and purpose. Here is my art.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

This week in maths we were practicing a LPG. LPG 8 addition and subtraction fact to 20. 
Here is my work.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

This week in reading we read honest Joe and did a story sequence. LPG 4 I can use several pieces of information to make inferences. Here is my work.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

This week week we did a word search on waste. Here is my work.
This week in writing we did persuasive writing. LPG 21 I can use persuasive, emotional and technical vocabulary in my writing.
This week in maths I was learning equivalent ratios. LPG 1: equivalent rations. Here is my work.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

This week I did handwriting. Here is my work. LPG 23 I cann form letter correctly, neatly and fluently.
This week in writing I finished last weeks writing. LPG 12, I  can proofread my work for correct spelling and punctuation. Here is my work.
This week in maths I did a basic facts test. I got 98 in 5:09mins. LPG 8 Addition and subtraction fact to 20. Here is my work.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

This week in reading we read Henderson island. Did you know it has 38 million pieces of waste, when it is 5000 kilometres away from the nearest human. Some of the rubbish comes from New Zealand and that's embarrassing. 68% is under the sand 10 center meters deep. Here is the sheet we did. This is my'n. LPG 12 ( I can write ideas that are clearly understood and relevant to the topic.)
In maths this week we did a basic facts test. I got 99 in 4:31mins. Here is my work. LPG 8. ( addition and subtraction facts to 20.)
This week in writing we got given a picture, we went in groups and wrote ideas what it looked like then we wrote about the picture. Here is my work. LPG 20. (I can write some complexe sentences.)

Thursday, 29 June 2017

This week we did handwriting, my handwriting is getting better the more I practice. LPG 25. Here is my work.
This week in writing we practised narrative writing for our next writing blast. LPG 6. Here is my work.
This week in maths we played math games. This is LPG 16. Here is my work.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

 This week in reading my group read benny. This is the activity we did.
This week in writhing we did lymrix and poems LPG 13.
Here is my work.

This week in maths we were learning how to do fractions LPG 11 we practiced this using shapes.
Here is my work.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

This week in we were doing matariki art, my group did lanterns here is mine.
This week in maths we did a basic facts test I got 92 in 6:30 mins. This is LPG 8

Today in writing I wrote about a murder mystery. This was LPG 29.
Here is my writing.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

This week in writing we have been doing persuasive writing.  Here is my writing.
This week in reading my reading group read King and Country. The reading activitiy we did with this was know your character. A know you character is when you write one sentence about each character. This week we did eight sentences. Here are my sentences.

This week in maths we did a basic facts tes, I got 88 in five minutes thirty six.

Monday, 29 May 2017

This week in maths we are learning a new way to work our math problems out. I practice this with a math sheet full of aquations and working them out using the tequnek.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

This week in reading I did a know you character.
I did this by reading the story and writing a sentence about each character.

This week in maths I was learning "doubling and halfing with multiplication problems".
I did this using a work sheet to help me, then getting problems to figure out on my own from Mr B.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

This week in maths my goal was "solving multiplication and division strategies using more than one strategy".(LPG 14). I did this using a math question book in our class and writing the equations/answers in my math book.
This week my goal in writing was "I can organise and sequence reasonably in all text tipes"LPG(15)
I did this by practising prodcell writing.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

My goals this week "were" I can reread my writing many times to make sure it make sense and meets its purpose.(4) My other goal "was" I can talk about my audience and why I'm writing. (10)
I practised these goals by re-telling the story of Lake Ora, starting with remember when.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Today Mr B read the gruffalo to our class and we all explained 
It with drawings and labels, here is mine.🐵

Thursday, 4 May 2017

This week my goal was I can use dialogue and punctuate this direct speech appropriately in writing.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

This week we have been using Tagul
 tagul is when you pick your colour, font, size and words don't forget shape. Once you have done that visualise it when your happy you can share,print or save it. We did our on tikanga and what tikanga means.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

This week I have been learning to show our working with number lines using tidy numbers and then taking ones off. I think it is a good strategy to work problems out fast, I will use this strategy again.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

This is my learning pit poster. The learning pit is when you are doing an activity and you do not know what to do. There are several different stages ect: beggining - there is know way i can do this, middle -someone help me, finish - i did it. Here are some activities you may get stuck in.
Maths, Reading, Writing, Fitness, Art, Spelling, Giving speeches, Thinking of ideas and lots more.

Monday, 27 February 2017

This is my texter

Thursday, 23 February 2017


Yesterday we tried out a app that you can write a sentence and draw with it. We were/are learning to use complexe sentences starting with a verb. The app only works on computers and laptops. We can chose our background,colour our sentaces and Change sentences. The faster you go the bigger th words. WARNING the clear button clears everything and if you make a mistake you can't erase it and you have to start again. The app is so much fun and we are learning about complexe sentaces while doing it.